High School & College Students
Getting an education can feel overwhelming. Procrastination, disorganization, frustration, overwhelm and anxiety can make the path through college seem too steep.
At Stretch Your Brain we help you develop your skills for success with…

Strategic Studying
Implement active learning techniques with targeted tools that work for you.

Optimized Organization
Hone your systems and routines to get what you want done.

Flexible Mindsets
Notice and navigate through your mindset messages to succeed.
Hover over the identifiers below to see if you're in the right place!

Seeking strategies for success in college and beyond. Coaching in productivity, focus and attention, overcoming procrastination and other obstacles.
Brain training can help strengthen a person's skills in planning, organization, prioritization, inner sense of time, visual and auditory memory, focus and attention, working memory and emotional control.
People with ASD working with the Regional Center in California, you are eligible for the Self-Determination Program. The Self-Determination program was developed to offer people more freedom and control in the services they receive.
The Anti-Boring Approach ™ helps students fill their study toolboxes with active neuro-science-tested techniques to achieve academic success.
Brain training helps all ages of people, including older adults who experience forgetfulness or symptoms of mild cognitive impairment.
Struggling to focus and pay attention can be a symptom of weak underlying processing skills.
Auditory processing is the cognitive skill the brain uses to hear, segment, and blend sounds and it is foundational to successful reading. Studies show that weak auditory processing skills are at the root of approximately 85% of all reading struggles.
Weak processing skills, memory, attention and comprehension can all be improved with brain training.
Brain training can strengthen phonemic awareness (the ability to blend, segment, and analyze sounds in words), phonics (the letter-symbol-sound connection), these are essential pillars of successful reading.
Successful reading comprehension requires understanding of vocabulary and fluency to create meaning in text. Brain training tools support these skills.

Choose how you want to Stretch Your Brain:
1 on 1 and Small Group Packages

8-week package
Build a foundation of solid strategies, grounded in brain science. Fill your toolbox with productivity, organization, and communication tools to achieve academic success with more confidence and less anxiety.
Book a Strategy Session
to assess which package is right for you.


Vicki Rekedal
For over 25 years, Vicki has guided students and adults to successfully implement alternative learning strategies that strengthen executive functioning and underlying processing skills.
With a Master’s of Educational Therapy, she is passionate about the neuroscience of learning and enjoys working with children and adults in individualized 1:1 sessions and small group settings.
Starting with a flexible mindset framework, Vicki implements current research-based tools and techniques to help her clients name and aim their strengths to reach their learning and memory peaks. In conjunction with student coaching, Vicki leads groups for parents of students with learning differences to develop strategies that foster parent-child connection and agency.
When Vicki is not devouring the latest
brain science, she loves a good audiobook and a hike around lakes, towns, or in the mountains.